The ultimate list of Premium Domain Names

Some frequently asked questions

Why do premium domains cost more than normal domains?

Why do the prices vary?

What are the different types of premium domain?

How do you buy a premium domain?

Is it worth investing in a domain name?

How much should I pay for a premium domain?

Is a premium domains always a ‘dot com’ domain?

Why the .com is still King of the Domains

Why the .com is still King of the Domains

So with so many options open to you,  the .com is still King of the Domains. 
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How to pick a winner from your Company Name Shortlist

How to pick a winner from your Company Name Shortlist

So you’ve brainstormed. You’ve struggled and sweated over it, and you’ve read online tips and used generators …and now you have a shortlist of potential business names. But it's quite a long shortlist. Which name is The One? Which is the mistake you’ll live to regret?  
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Brand Power #1 - 7 steps to creating an engaging brand name

Brand Power #1 - 7 steps to creating an engaging brand name

Powerful brands rely on two things: Engagement and Differentiation. So creating engagement and differentiation is crucial to effective branding ...and branding starts with your business name.   My first of two blogs outlines 7 simple tips that will help you to keep focused on engagement when you are naming your business.
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