Why haven't non-dot-com domains caught on?
When looking for a domain for a business, most of us would ideally want to register and own the perfect .com. By 'perfect' I mean no hyphens, no extra bolt-on words, and no alternative TLDs (Top Level Domains) like .net or .co.uk. Just companyname.com.
Inevitably, this has meant that finding that perfect .com domain is getting tougher by the day. Because the .com is the default choice – and because it implies a sense of ownership and primacy over a business name – demand for the .com is high. And high demand means scarcity.
A dizzying range of alternatives
In recent years, and in response to this growing demand and shrinking supply, the organisation that looks after internet domains, ICANN, has been introducing a dizzying array of alternative TLDs. This is where ideas like .pizza, .london, .hotel, .mobile, and over 500 more like this, come in.
On the face of it, this seems like a great solution to the 'elusive .com domain' challenge. But, for a whole set of rational and irrational reasons, very few have made it to the mainstream. And very few have resulted in NEW mainstream brands. Generally speaking, they remain at best niche, and at worst an experiment in business branding.
Here's a great infographic that helps to explain why the new TLDs haven't really taken off. And you can click on the graphic to read the full post 'Which New gTLDs Matter?'.