Every type of business name in world (probably)
When it comes to naming a business, there are lots of different approaches you can take. In fact, the whole process can be rather bewildering.
So we thought it would be useful to break down the most common brand name types, and illustrate them in an info-graphic.
The graphic shows the most popular, tried-and-tested types of names used by companies large and small, across all sectors and around the world.
But if you can think of any brand name types that we've missed, drop us a line and we'll add it to our infographic. (Well, we might...)
An original name provides real brand potential
Of course, a business name isn't everything - a company still needs to tick all the commercial boxes to stand a chance of being successful. But a great name that you can own provides good foundations for building a brand.
A unique brand name will differentiate a business from its competitors and engage with customers.
A wishy-washy name that sounds a bit like someone else's business, will not. Be brave!